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Why You Need Energy Star Certified Appliances

Energy Star Certification and NSF Certification are two of the types of Certified Equipment at SWRE

The latest technology in kitchen equipment allows your restaurant to lead in energy-saving efforts. Whether it’s a refrigerator or convection oven, dishwasher, or ice maker, this industry is looking for ways to save money and the environment.  Are you looking to upgrade your restaurant with certified commercial kitchen appliances? If you’re not sure where to start when it comes time for upgrades and replacements, this blog post provides insight into why certified commercial kitchen appliances will benefit your business. Read on to learn more about Energy Star and NSF Certifications. 

Energy Star Certification

Energy Star certification is a great way to ensure that the appliances you buy are a source of value and efficiency. Obtaining an Energy Star certification requires meeting specific energy efficiency standards established by the United States government, making these supplies cost-effective and eco-conscious. Instead of having to expend higher amounts of energy to operate, Energy Star certified appliances make it possible to spend less while also reducing your carbon footprint in the process. Investing in products with this certification can pay off by saving money and helping the environment!

NSF Certification

Appliances with an NSF certification (National Sanitation Foundation) are products that have been independently evaluated against a rigorous set of quality and requirements. It is proof that the product claims featured in the standard (regarding sanitization, allergen reduction, etc.) have been verified by NSF International. Keeping a kitchen safe and sanitary is key to any commercial or restaurant setting.

NSF International provides certification and testing on different products, ensuring that they comply with health codes and other safety regulations. Having appliances with an NSF certification gives customers peace of mind that their dinner experience will be in good, clean hands. Investing in commercial kitchen appliances that have the NSF seal of approval can give businesses assurance that their operations are passing inspection requirements, aiding in the success of their establishment.

Certified Commercial Kitchen Appliances

All in all, having certified appliances is a great investment that provides benefits to not only commercial kitchen businesses but their customers as well. With the Energy Star and NSF certifications, eateries have greater assurance that their appliances are safe and efficiently run.

In order to ensure this peace of mind, lease dishwashing equipment with a trusted company, like Southwest Dishwashing Service. We carry an array of certified commercial kitchen dishwashers so that your business can get the highest level of quality possible. When you need a new dish machine, we have numerous options to choose from!

Reasons To Lease Commercial Dishwashers For Your Dallas Restaurant

By Leslie Radford
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